Weekly Polls Feed

Weekly Poll: E3 2013 Winners And Losers

Weekly Poll for 5-22-2013There's overwhelming disinterest in Microsoft's upcoming Xbox One console, and considering the higher price and content restrictions that take away rights and privileges that players have enjoyed in previous Xbox consoles, I can certainly understand why.  The Xbox brand has never been for me, and this latest model is no exception.  The company's E3 presentation confirmed for me with a heavy emphasis on shooters, sports, shooters, realistic racers, and more shooters.  I enjoy the occasional shooter, sure, but I need platformers, puzzle games, fighting games, action/adventure titles, and an RPG once in a while to keep my gaming experience part of a balanced breakfast, as it were.  Elsewhere, Microsoft has a brewing image problem on its hands.  I hope it can correct course before it's too late.  Competition brings good things to the market in the end, and without Microsoft's missteps, I don't believe Sony would be as generous with its PlayStation 4 agenda.

Moving on, E3 2013 is behind us now and we've had a chance to digest and process much of the major news and announcements of the week.  Who would you say came out on top at E3?  Who "won" if it's possible to measure these things?  Did Sony steal the show?  Did Microsoft impress?  Has Nintendo signaled a return to form?  Let's hear your thoughts.

Weekly Poll: Meet Xbox One

Weekly Poll for 5-09-2013Most of you turn to FAQ websites when you need assistance in a particularly stubborn video game.  I know I do.  GameFAQs continues to be my gold standard of basic help, although it takes a special level of patience ot wade through the parts of the site that aren't vetted for quality.  In an age where there are more games to play than free time in which to play them, it's unlikely that I'm playing the same game as my friends at the same time they are also playing it.  With the exception of must-experience blockbusters that everyone tends to explore on release, play sessions become staggered in this busy time.  Printed strategy guides are the gold standard of information, but their comparative high cost and physical storage requirement are a major drawback.  There's no one right way to ask for help, of course, and it's great to have options.  Just the same, I'll stick to GameFAQs for now.

Moving on, Microsoft has revealed its next generation console at long last.  The Xbox One is coming later this year.  I've already shared my take on the unveiling and initial pass of features and capabilities, but now I want to ask you what you think of the new machine.  Are you interested in the Xbox One?  Let's hear your thoughts.

Weekly Poll: Assistance Needed

Weekly Poll for 4-18-2013There seems to be a healthy demand out there for an RPG adventure starring everyone's favorite anti-Mario, Wario.  It would be wonderful to see Nintendo tap into that pent-up demand, but somehow I doubt that Wario and his partner in crime, Waluigi, will get their starring day in the sun any time soon at the rate things are going.  Maybe in a few years.  It seems that a Wario & Waluigi RPG is the perfect way to follow the upcoming Mario & Luigi: Dream Team for the Nintendo 3DS.

Moving on, when you stumble into a tough spot in a video game and you just can't take the frustration anymore, where do you turn for help?  Printed strategy guides?  Online FAQ repositories?  Social media?  Or do you shun all attempts at aid and struggle through until you overcome the challenge by yourself?  Let's hear about your sources for assistance in a cruel digital world.

Weekly Poll: Hypotheticals

Weekly Poll for 4-02-2013An overwhelming number of you are interested in Capcom's upcoming DuckTales Remastered.  I know I am.  The original game was an oft-played game in my home when I was a kid and I still bring it back out every now and then for another run.  I can clear it in under an hour and those muscle memories never really go away.  I can't wait to see what developer WayForward can do with the old classic.  From what I've seen so far, DuckTales is looking fantastic.  Sidequest for you: as it turns out, Amazon has the first season of the original cartoon streaming free for Prime members, so Nicole and I fired it up a few weekends ago to see if it held up from our memories.  The original five-part premiere is available that sets up the entire premise of the series and introduces the characters.  Neither of us remembered seeing it, so we thought we'd watch an episode.  And then another.  And another.  Long story short, it's held up well and it's worth revisiting for a bit if you're an old fan.  There are jokes buried in there that you probably didn't catch as a kid.  That was certainly our experience.

Changing subjects, let's talk a minute to talk about games that don't exist.  Or, rather, games that could exist.  In the past few weeks we've learned that Capcom was considering a first-person shooter reboot of Mega Man X.  There's a pitch for an Assassin's Creed fighting game floating around out there.  The Internet loves to joke that Naughty Dog's next Uncharted game will be a kart racer.  Wario fans clamor that he should have his own RPG to stand against Mario's adventures.  Which of these games, if real, would you most want to play?  Have some fun with this one.  Let's hear your thoughts.

Weekly Poll: Might Solve A Mystery Or Remaster History

Weekly Poll for 3-21-2013Most of you out there have never participated in a video game tournament.  That's a shame; you really should try it sometime even just for fun.  I've competed in online competitions here and there, but never in person.  The most recent one was the Star Wars Pinball challenge on the game's The Empire Strikes Back table, and while I knew I didn't have a chance in Hoth at ranking anywhere near the top of the leaderboard, I certainly had fun trying.  Prizes are nice, but for me it's really all about the community interactions and the feeling of being part of a larger collective.  

Looking ahead, Capcom and WayForward have announced to the Internet's collective delight that a modernized version of the 1989 Nintendo Entertainment System classic DuckTales is coming to the Sony PlayStation 3, Microsoft Xbox 360, and Nintendo Wii U under the title DuckTales Remastered featuring new content, detailed animation, reworked music, and many other additions.  Are you interested in this enhanced retelling of Scrooge McDuck's greatest digital adventure?  Let's hear your thoughts.

Weekly Poll: Tournament Time

Weekly Poll for 3-14-2013Most of you out there haven't played Castlevania - Lords of Shadow: Mirror of Fate yet.  I'd recommend passing on it.  I wasn't satisfied with it at all, and while I admittedly gave up on it early, I don't feel as if I'm missing anything.  Like the original Lords of Shadow, this branch of the Castlevania tree does not feel like a true Castlevania game to me.  It feels soulless, as if it knows the notes but not the music.  If you want to hear my entire explanation for why Fate let me down, listen to the second half of Episode 96 of Power Button.  The short version is that I miss the older, more whimsical Castlevania games and desperately want Konami to start making them again.  This God of War knock-off material has got to go.  No offense to developer MercurySteam, but the Lords of Shadow brand is just not what I want in a Castlevania adventure.

Moving on, I've spent the past week working on my high score in the Star Wars Pinball tournament and while I won't win any prizes for earning the billions of points (yes, billions) that others have achieved, I had fun trying.  How many of you have ever competed in a video game tournament?  It can be a live, in-person event or an online competition; I'm not picky.  Let's hear your stories.

Weekly Poll: Enemy Of Fate

Weekly Poll for 3-05-2013Most of you are ready to give Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag a pass. I'm still interested in the franchise, but I'm not as eager to play this latest annual sequel as I would expect. While I know I'll get around to it eventually, my current plan is to wait for the complete edition which includes a pack of downloadable content. I'll probably be ready for the Sony PlayStation 4 version by then, so a little wait won't hurt.  I've been trained by Ubisoft to expect a discounted complete version a few months after release, so why should I pay full price for a lesser product?  Play smarter, not harder.

Speaking of sequels, Konami recently released Castlevania - Lords of Shadow: Mirror of Fate for the Nintendo 3DS.  Its story sets up the events of the next true sequel, Lords of Shadow 2.  Critics have been mixed on its performance.  What do you think of it?  Does it meet your expectations?  Are you loving it?  Tolerating it?  Giving up on it?  Skipping it outright?  Let's hear your thoughts.

Weekly Poll: Assassins Of The Caribbean

Weekly Poll for 2-25-2013The vote was close, but a slim majority of you are not interested in the Sony PlayStation 4 at this time.  I am interested, but am not planning an immediate purchase.  I'm happy with my PlayStation 3, still have a small stack of games for it that need attention, and PlayStation Plus keeps bringing in more titles that I need to explore.  Between my PS3 and PS Vita, my PlayStation ecosystem needs are handled for the immediate future.  Of course, once Sony shows off the PS4 versions of Uncharted and Ratchet & Clank, I reserve the right to start salivating and shopping for deals.

Speaking of newly announced games, you've probably heard about Ubisoft's upcoming Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag due out at the end of the year for major platforms in this gaming generation and the next.  The company has made annual Creed games a priority, but I know that some people are starting to feel burned out on the neverending tide of new releases in the line.  How do you feel?  Are you interested in Black Flag?  Or are you ready to give this one a pass?  Come to think of it, which other annual releases do you feel need a break?  Let's hear your thoughts.

Weekly Poll: PlayStation 4ever

Weekly Poll for 2-14-2013Most of the interest out there for the "Year of Luigi" centers around Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, and while I do want to play that one, I'm much more intrigued by Mario and Luigi: Dream Team.  Alphadream has a knack for creating hilarious and engaging RPGs featuring everyone's favorite plumber siblings, so naturally I can't wait to pick up the new sequel.  I'm sure I'll get to New Super Luigi U eventually, but I'm less enthused for another round of Mario Golf.  After Nintendo and Camelot dumbed down Mario Tennis Open for the 3DS, I'm not very hopefully for a golf title that does the same.  That's just my assumption, but it's one that I'm confident in sharing.  I really do hope that I'm wrong about it.

Moving on to other things, Sony has announced early details and a vision statement of sorts for its new PlayStation 4 console.  Based on currently available information, are you interested in the PS4?  Are you already planning on placing a preorder?  Or are you eyeing one of the other next generation console options?  Let's hear your thoughts.

Weekly Poll: Player 2 Forever

Weekly Poll for 2-04-2013There's not as much love for Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time out there as I'd hoped, but I'm glad that some of you are interested in playing the game.  I'm almost finished with it and so far have completely enjoyed the experienced.  The story is captivating, the jokes land, the action keeps me coming back for more, and the number of interesting tasks to complete holds my attention.  If you like the kind of 3D platformer that not many are developing this generation, then you owe it to yourself to check this one out.  My worst fear with this game is that it goes ignored and unsold, thereby bringing about the end of the Sly franchise.  Do your part to keep the Cooper Gang on the prowl if this is your genre.

Shifting franchises, Nintendo has gone crazy with Luigi, it seems, as the company has announced several projects featuring Mario's younger brother.  Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, Mario and Luigi: Dream Team, and Mario Golf: World Tour are all coming to the Nintendo 3DS, while the New Super Luigi U expansion for New Super Mario Bros. U is due out later this year.  Nintendo has even gone so far as to call 2013 the Year of Luigi.  Which game from the Year of Luigi are you most anticipating?  Let's hear your thoughts.