Power Button - Episode 250: A Dish Of Gaming Comfort Food
Nintendo GameCube Controller Now Works With Switch

Happy Birthday Wario!

Wario’s Wacky WoriginsI can't believe that I didn't realize that seeing as how it's the twenty-fifth anniversary of the release of Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins for the Nintendo Game Boy, it's also the twenty-fifth anniversary of Wario's first appearance.  Let us commemorate this special occasion with Greg Melo's fun comic looking back at Wario's origins over at the Laser Time Podcast.

Hard to believe it’s been 25 years since our eyes were opened to obey Wario (and that Mario is our enemy). To celebrate the 25th anniversary of Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins and the debut of its villain Wario, the amazingly-talented Greg Melo has created a comic about Wario’s origins and how the cantankerous Mario clone (we know he’s not a clone, but bear with us for alliterative purposes) has evolved over the years.

It's been too long since Wario set out on his own solo adventure.  Whatever Wario's future holds, let's hope that it includes a new Wario Land adventure.  I'll never destroy Mario, but otherwise I'm always happy to obey Wario.
