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September 2017

Power Button - Episode 248: Manic For Sonic Mania

Power ButtonHave you had a chance to play Sonic Mania yet?  Christian Whitehead and the teams from Sega, Headcannon, and PagodaWest Games have created the best Sonic the Hedgehog game in twenty years and on this week's podcast episode, Blake Grundman and I spend the hour talking about how much we enjoyed it.  From mythology gags to the stellar soundtrack to the purity of speed, we have lots of good things to say.  And speaking of Blake, why not check out his Extra Life charity goal and see if you can help him out?   Download this week's episode directly from PTB, listen with the player below, find us on Stitcher, subscribe via iTunes and Google Play, toss this RSS feed into your podcast aggregation software of choice, and be sure to catch up on past episodes if you're joining us late. Remember that you can reach us via , you can leave a message on the Power Button hotline by calling (720) 722-2781, and you can even follow us on Twitter at @PressTheButtons and @GrundyTheMan, or for just podcast updates, @ThePowerButton. We also have a tip jar if you'd like to kick a dollar or two of support our way.

First Wave Of Marvel Vs Capcom: Infinite DLC Announced

SigmaWith Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite releasing tomorrow, fans are already hungry to learn when they can spend extra money on additional characters, so Capcom has announced the six new fighters headed into the action later in the year as part of the first $30 expansion bundle.  Here they are long with the company and property they represent:

Sigma (Capcom: Mega Man X)

Black Panther (Marvel: Black Panther)

Monster Hunter (Capcom: Monster Hunter)

Winter Solider (Marvel: Captain America),

Black Widow (Marvel: Avengers)

Venom (Marvel: Spider-Man)

I'm interested in these characters, but am not so sure I want to keep spending more money on a fighting game at this point in my life.  I loved what Injustice 2 had to offer earlier in the summer, but just can't talk myself into a $40 pack of additional characters for it when the base game is already loaded with plenty to do.  Street Fighter V, on the other hand, is much too shallow an experience to justify more spending (lacking an Arcade mode still stings; what would I use extra characters for if I bought them?).  MvCI may land right in the middle of that balance, although I have a major soft spot for Sigma and would probably buy just him alone.

I'll have more to say about MvCI in the coming days and weeks as I forgot that I preordered it a few months ago when Amazon was offering it exceptionally cheap for a few hours, and since it shipped this morning, I may as well go for it.  I loved the other MvC titles and am hoping for the best from this one.  It at least has an Arcade mode!

OverClocked ReMix Album Smashes Records

Smash The Record: The RecordSometimes the talented musicians working through OverClocked ReMix release an album that might as well be called The Songs Of My People, and the latest album, Smash The Record: The Record, is another one of those releases.  Featuring music from Super Smash Bros., Super Mario Bros. 3, Mega Man X5, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, F-Zero, and Kirby Super Star, this album commemorates the Smash The Record 2017 speedrunning tournament.  It's a free download in MP3 and FLAC formats.

Smash The Record: The Record features 7 tracks from 7 artists, arranging music from 6 different franchises tied to Smash The Record 2017's speedruns and tournaments. The event benefits St. Jude Children's Research Hospital through the St. Jude PLAY LIVE charity platform. The album was made by fans, for fans, and is not affiliated with or endorsed by any game publisher or developer; all games, characters, images, and original compositions are copyright their respective owners.

This album was produced to help promote video game music, the amazing Smash The Record speedruns and tournaments, the important work of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, all the original composers' compositions, and the talented musical and visual artists that contributed to this project.

It's hard for me to pick a favorite track off this album as they all strike the nostalgia bone just right.  They're all going into my playlist.  Try them out and see if they go into yours, too.

Help Blake Grundman Meet His Extra Life Gaming Charity Goal

Extra LifeYour friend and mine, Power Button's own Blake Grundman, is participating in the Extra Life gaming charity event again this year along with our old podcast pals Keri Honea, Ross Polly, and Chris Nitz.  The four of them will be playing video games live on a Twitch stream for twenty-four hours starting October 21, 2017 to help raise money for children in need at hospitals through Children's Miracle Network Hospitals.  He's offering giveaways and other fun stuff for donating money.  Why not check out the event and help him meet his goal?

Your participation is key to making this event fun for everyone involved! This is why I have setup two tiers of support that actually have benefits FOR YOU.

For only a $5 contribution you can tell me what to play for a half hour of the marathon. You name it, I'll play it! Want to torture me? Have at it! You will be able to stream my joy or misery firsthand, via Twitch.

For a $10 contribution you can actually get a PC game of your choosing from the list below.

This event is always a fun time.  The last time Blake participated, I made him play my beloved Bionic Commando.  I've already pitched in to help make a difference this year and now I only have to decide which game I want Blake to play during the event.  What do you think, folks?  Aero the Acro-batBubsyPlok?  So many good choices...

Power Button - Episode 247: A Brief History Of Reviews

Power ButtonThis week's podcast focuses on some inside baseball as Blake Grundman and I focus on the process of reviewing video games.  We talk about memorable reviews, how we go about reviewing games, how reviewing has changed over the years, and so much more.  It's a look behind the curtain at how the sausage is made.   Download this week's episode directly from PTB, listen with the player below, find us on Stitcher, subscribe via iTunes and Google Play, toss this RSS feed into your podcast aggregation software of choice, and be sure to catch up on past episodes if you're joining us late. Remember that you can reach us via , you can leave a message on the Power Button hotline by calling (720) 722-2781, and you can even follow us on Twitter at @PressTheButtons and @GrundyTheMan, or for just podcast updates, @ThePowerButton. We also have a tip jar if you'd like to kick a dollar or two of support our way.

Let's Take A Moment To Appreciate Sonic's Sidekick, Tails

TailsWhen playing Sonic Mania, Sonic and Knuckles tend to steal the spotlight.  Sonic has his trademark speed to blast process through levels, while Knuckles and punch through barricades and climb walls.  Why would anyone want to play as Tails when you could instead go really fast or climb really high?  I've come to have a new appreciation for perennial sidekick Tails as I continue through the game. I've been trying out Time Attack mode with the flying two-tailed fox and am trying to better use his flight and swimming skills.  Yes, he can fly, but his flight skills always felt so limited to me.  I feel like I take flight and quickly bang into a ceiling, rendering the whole experience pointless.  I took him for a spin in Chemical Plant Zone Act 1 on a lark and came away with new respect for his skills.  Being able to fly above hazards like rising water or trap platforms feels like a cheat in a way, but the ability is built into the game, so why not take advantage?  Sure, Tails isn't as fast as Sonic, but playing as him opens up new ways of thinking about level structures.  Give Tails a try.  Maybe you'll make a new friend.

Strong Winds Expected Today

Kirby Super Star UltraMy girlfriend and I had the day off yesterday, so we took a trip out to Orlando and hit the comic book and game shops in the tourist district.  One of the shops, Gods and Monsters, has had a tough year after being run out of a closing mall and relocating in an out-of-the-way corner of a smaller strip mall complex.  Fortunately for them, they have protection now.  I walked past this giant tree outside their door twice before it suddenly dawned on me: "Isn't that Kirby's recurring enemy Whispy Woods?"  I asked my girlfriend to confirm it, but she hasn't played much Kirby and wasn't familiar with the big blowing tree.  I pulled out my phone, did an image search for Whispy Woods, and just from seeing the thumbnail search results she said "Oh yeah, that's him."  So stop in at Gods and Monsters when you're in town to see Whispy Woods.  Tell them Kirby sent you.