Power Button - Episode 197: Power Button Conquers The World!
This Amiibo Was Ness-cessary

Mega Man 4 Soundtrack Gets Equipped With An Upgrade

Mega Man 4The Nintendo Entertainment System was home to many classic 8-bit soundtracks, but it was Konami's special VRC6 expansion chip that really made the melodies sing.  While never used in games outside of Japan, the custom mapper has found a following in the twenty-first century with fans who are eager to take their favorite NES compositions and rework them to use the VRC6.  Consider RushJet1 and his upgraded soundtracks for Mega Man 2 and Mega Man 3, for instance.  Released over the past few years, I've mentioned them both on PTB before and, at the last release, wished that he'd take on Mega Man 4 as his next project.  Good news, everyone: he has!  A custom VRC6 version of Mega Man 4 music is now available over at Bandcamp as Mega Man 4 Remade.  Get equipped with your favorite headset and give it a listen.  There's some great things happening here and if the Mega Man soundtracks are the songs of your people like they are for me, you won't want to miss this.

(via Protodude's Rockman Corner)
