How Many Free Club Nintendo Games Does It Take To Make Us Happy?
July 16, 2014
Following on from this morning's underwhelming news regarding Club Nintendo's Elite loyalty gift of a downloadable Virtual Console game for Gold level members and a downloadable eShop game for Platinum members, I wondered if maybe the problem with Nintendo's program was that it was only offering one free game from a selection of several. Would this unpopular gift become more appealing if Club Nintendo members could download two titles of their choosing? Three? How many games would it take to make this year's Elite gift an attractive option? I took to Twitter to find out.
@PressTheButtons It sounds harsh, but it won't be okay with just digital.
— Joey Davidson (@JoeyDavidson) July 16, 2014
@PressTheButtons Club Nintendo's Platinum tier should feature a reward I simply can't get anywhere else. An exclusive "goody."
— Joey Davidson (@JoeyDavidson) July 16, 2014
@PressTheButtons 2 games would be better. But I thought the whole idea of the Elite Rewards was to get rare stuff. not eshop codes
— Nin-Joshua Caleb (@JoshuaCaleb75) July 16, 2014
@PressTheButtons I feel like the 3DS has been especially jilted in rewards this year
— Nin-Joshua Caleb (@JoshuaCaleb75) July 16, 2014
@PressTheButtons also more than half those games are WiiU only. Rolling Western is crap. DK3 & Metroid are also meh
— Nin-Joshua Caleb (@JoshuaCaleb75) July 16, 2014
@PressTheButtons The problem I have is that I have all the 3DS games offered and I don't have a Wii U.
— Ganbare Whaley (@daswhalebeard) July 16, 2014
@PressTheButtons So even if they gave me all the games it would still be useless to me.
— Ganbare Whaley (@daswhalebeard) July 16, 2014
@PressTheButtons Yeah, that's wouldn't be great, but better.
— Ganbare Whaley (@daswhalebeard) July 16, 2014
@PressTheButtons None? Digital games were not my expectation while purchasing their stuff.
— Matt Paprocki (@Matt_Paprocki) July 16, 2014
@PeteSkerritt @PressTheButtons I won the hooked impaler!
— Erik Olson (@assend_dot_net) July 16, 2014
@PressTheButtons THAT would have been perfect!
— Erik Olson (@assend_dot_net) July 16, 2014
@PressTheButtons @JoshuaCaleb75 I honestly thought the same. Just give everyone the Mario Amiibo. But no :(
— Michael Bowerman (@BowerTendo) July 16, 2014
Another Platinum reward on my Club Nintendo wishlist was Mother 3 in English for 3DS. A total long shot, sure, but a man can dream.
— Matthew Green (@PressTheButtons) July 16, 2014
@PressTheButtons @JoeyDavidson Well, that would suck if that meant that it would be otherwise unavailable. But it would be cool to get. :)
— Erik Olson (@assend_dot_net) July 16, 2014
@assend_dot_net @PressTheButtons I mean, it's a good reward worthy of the $400 and time spent on surveys it takes to achieve the tier.
— Joey Davidson (@JoeyDavidson) July 16, 2014
More realistically, I'd have been happy with a Super Mario 3D World, Mario Kart 8, or Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze soundtrack.
— Matthew Green (@PressTheButtons) July 16, 2014
But to answer my own original question, I'd have liked 1 retail, 1 eShop, and 1 Virtual Console game if exclusive physical items are out.
— Matthew Green (@PressTheButtons) July 16, 2014