Power Button - Episode 133: E3 2014 Wrap-Up
June 16, 2014
Another Electronic Entertainment Expo come and gone. On this special crossover episode of Power Button, Blake Grundman and I are joined by the EvilCast's Ross Polly and Chris Nitz as we discuss our favorite news stories from E3 2014. We touch on the Ubisoft controversy regarding leading woman and animation time, Blake renews his devotion to the PlayStation TV, the future of Street Fighter, the Los Angeles Times botching the week's news by reporting on the Nintendo PlayStation, increased visibility on indie game developers, and so much more. We have nearly two hours worth of show for you, and like every other time we meet up with the EvilCast, this episode treads into explicit language territory, so you have been warned. With that in mind, make yourself comfortable and enjoy the show! Download this week's episode directly from PTB, listen with the player below, find us on Stitcher, subscribe via iTunes, toss this RSS feed into your podcast aggregation software of choice, and be sure to catch up on past episodes if you're joining us late. Remember that you can reach us via , you can leave a message on the Power Button hotline by calling (720) 722-2781, and you can even follow us on Twitter at @PressTheButtons and @GrundyTheMan, or for just podcast updates, @ThePowerButton.