Conan O'Brien Explores PC Horror Games
Batman: Arkham Origins Has Issues

EvilCast Recap - Episode 198

EvilCastNow here's something we hope you'll really like!  I'm back as a guest on the EvilCast podcast at Games Are Evil this week.  I join Blake Grundman and Ross Polly for Episode 198 to discuss Ubisoft's upcoming release of Assassin's Creed: Liberation HD, the Ouya expanding into demo kiosks and a larger retail presence, the large day one patch for the Sony PlayStation 4 that'll add functions you'd expect the console to include natively, and Grand Theft Auto Online's ongoing issues.  We also talk about our experiences with Grand Theft Auto V, Mario and Luigi: Dream Team, Hotline Miami, Star Wars Pinball: Balance of the Force, Pokémon Y, Saints Row IV, and much more.  Download this episode and sit back for a little under two hours of discussion, humor, and general entertainment.
