Sonic Lost World Takes Familiar Inspiration
May 28, 2013
Sega has managed to reinvent Sonic the Hedgehog in the past few years, turning the once maligned fallen hero into a mascot that we can all care about once again. Using solid games like Sonic Colors and Sonic Generations as a springboard, the company seems to have realized what makes Sonic works and what does not. That's why I'm happy to be excited about a new Sonic game again as the first trailer for Sonic Lost World for the Nintendo Wii U and 3DS has launched. Watch as Sonic takes inspiration from Super Mario Galaxy and his own unreleased adventure, Sonic X-Treme, to navigate a series of curiously shaped world that use physics in unusual ways. The games are due out later this year. Let's hope that Sega can keep the streak alive. Trailers always deceive in some way or another, but based just one a first look, I like what I see here. Hopefully you do too.