Weekly Poll: Meet Xbox One
May 22, 2013
Most of you turn to FAQ websites when you need assistance in a particularly stubborn video game. I know I do. GameFAQs continues to be my gold standard of basic help, although it takes a special level of patience ot wade through the parts of the site that aren't vetted for quality. In an age where there are more games to play than free time in which to play them, it's unlikely that I'm playing the same game as my friends at the same time they are also playing it. With the exception of must-experience blockbusters that everyone tends to explore on release, play sessions become staggered in this busy time. Printed strategy guides are the gold standard of information, but their comparative high cost and physical storage requirement are a major drawback. There's no one right way to ask for help, of course, and it's great to have options. Just the same, I'll stick to GameFAQs for now.
Moving on, Microsoft has revealed its next generation console at long last. The Xbox One is coming later this year. I've already shared my take on the unveiling and initial pass of features and capabilities, but now I want to ask you what you think of the new machine. Are you interested in the Xbox One? Let's hear your thoughts.