Join The Doctor For "Attack Of The Graske"
May 01, 2013
It's not often that the Tenth Doctor shows up at your door and invites you on the Doctor Who adventure of a lifetime, so the next best thing to waiting around for the TARDIS to materialize is to check out the 2005 interactive video game-type adventure episode "Attack of the Graske". First available back in December 2005, this short entertainment experience plays out in the style of the video game classic Dragon's Lair in which you watch a short scene featuring The Doctor as he (and you) attempt to locate and defeat the invading Graske alien menace. Eventually you're called on to make a choice which changes the direction of the story. Repeat. There are multiple paths through the adventure and replays are encouraged. The game was originally confined to the BBC's Red Button service, but has since been released on the Series 2 DVD box set and, more conveniently, at the BBC's website as a free in-browser game. Buried underneath layers of forgotten material (it is a Tenth Doctor production from nearly eight years ago, after all), I've dug it up just for you to enjoy. Head on over to the BBC's website and show that Graske what for!