EvilCast Recap - Episode 174
April 26, 2013
Down two members of their usual panel, Blake Grundman and Ross Polly of the EvilCast podcast at Games Are Evil invited me to sit in yet again for this week's episode. With topics like Nintendo's diminished presence at E3 2013 and how the new Star Trek video game missed the mark (including a fun flashback to E3 2011 where Blake and I attended an early pre-alpha preview of the game), how could I say no? We also talk about layoffs at Electronic Arts, Nintendo's Wii U image problem, and Zynga's latest troubles in the wake of the launch of Draw Something 2. Mix in some discussion of the Injustice: Gods Among Us mobile game and a few other recently released titles and you have yourselves Episode 174. Join us for some heated discussion and to hear Ross admit he's never seen Robocop but has somehow seen the non-existant Blade Runner 2. I'm still not sure how either of those are possible. Also, I'd like to apologize to the people of Detroit in advance. You'll understand why when you listen to the show.