Free Street Fighter X Mega Man Update Adds Passwords
January 14, 2013
Capcom earned back some gamer goodwill last month when it released Street Fighter X Mega Man for the PC as a free download, but while the 8-bit take on Mega Man battling World Warriors earned a lot of positive reviews, the one overall criticism that most everyone who played the game expressed was that it needed passwords. Badly. In this busy modern age, who among us can be expected to sit and play a new, unfamiliar Mega Man game from start to finish in one sitting without a break or a safety net? Capcom has heard our pleas and has announced a free updated version of the game due out on January 18, 2013 that adds the highly requested feature.
Surprise! We spent the holiday break looking at your feedback and have since made a few adjustments to last month's SFxMM freebie. This update will also be on the house, available via the Mega Man group page.
So, what does this update... update? Well, for one, [Mega Man 2]-style passwords!
The update includes a few other minor tweaks, but no new content. Honestly, from what I played of the game before I stopped, I don't think the game needs any additional content. I haven't bothered to play more of the game since my initial time with it because I didn't see the point if the game couldn't save my progress, but now that passwords are coming, I will definitely make the time to revisit it. Thanks, Capcom, for listening to the community and general common sense on this one.