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Street Fighter X Mega Man Soundtrack Combines Memories

Street Fighter X Mega ManCapcom's Mega Man series of video games is known for its stellar 8-bit chiptune music.  Similarly, Capcom's Street Fighter series of video games is known for its memorable action-packed tunes.  Mix them together and you get the soundtrack to the new free (and officially sanctioned) Street Fighter X Mega Man which brings favorite Street Fighter music into Mega Man's Nintendo Entertainment System-inspired world.  The full soundtrack is available as a free download starting December 18, 2012, but today you can listen to this sampler provided by the game's artist, A_Rival.  I'm very impressed with the quality of these songs, as I recognized memorable bits of music from both franchises.  There's some good stuff happening here, and for the first time in what feels like forever, it's great to be a Mega Man fan. 

(via The Mega Man Network)
