Weekly Poll: Hiatus
Street Fighter X Mega Man Soundtrack Combines Memories

Power Button Wants Your Game Of The Year Picks

Power ButtonAs 2012 comes to a close, it's time for the Power Button podcast to have a look back at the year that was and name our top choices for the coveted Game Of The Year honors.  Brad Hilderbrand, Joey Davidson, and I are making our picks to be discussed on an upcoming episode of the show, but we also want to hear from all of you out there.  What are your selections this year for the annual honor?  You can leave your comments here or, better yet, give the Power Button hotline a call at (720) 722-2781 and leave a message for us in which you talk about your own personal Game Of The Year choices.  It can be a blockbuster smash or an indie darling, a retail boxed product or a downloadable title, a console masterpiece or a mobile quickie.  The only rule is that it has to have become available for play this calendar year.  Call now and share your thoughts!  You may just hear your message on the next episode.

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