Assassin's Creed And Mass Effect Compilations Coming Soon
September 26, 2012
If you've dragged your feet on any of the Mass Effect or Assassin's Creed games from the past few years and are looking to catch up, then Electronic Arts and Ubisoft have deals for you. EA and Bioware have announced the release of the Mass Effect Trilogy for the PC and Microsoft Xbox 360 which bundles all three titles in the series together in one package for $59.99. The set is due out on November 7, but more interesting is the additional announcement that the Trilogy is also coming to the Sony PlayStation 3 at a future date to be announced. This release marks the first PS3 release of the original Mass Effect (the two sequels have been around for PS3 for a while now).
Not to be outdone, Ubisoft and Sony have teamed up to produce the Assassin’s Creed Ezio Trilogy consisting of Assassin's Creed II (including the Bonfire of the Vanities and Battle of Forli expansions), Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, and Assassin's Creed Revelations. Releasing exclusively for the PS3 on November 13 for $39.99, this set marks an excellent opportunity to catch up on the exploits of protagonist Ezio Audiore. There's so much content in this set that by the time you finish it, the upcoming Assassin's Creed III will probably be available in a discounted Game of the Year edition.
As I've said previously, as this generation of consoles starts to come to a close, it's prime time for publishers to bundle their biggest titles at a discount for one more lap around the track before the next generations of Xbox and PlayStation launch and suddenly turn all of these solid titles into yesterday's news. Mass Effect isn't my thing, but I definitely recommend the Assassin's Creed titles (especially at a discounted price!).