Microsoft Drops Kinect Price
August 23, 2012
If you've held off on buying a Kinect for your Microsoft Xbox 360 because $149 was a bit steep, then you might have to reevaluate things now that the company has dropped the price of the camera unit to $109 in North America. Similar price reductions are in effect around the world. Joey Davidson over at TechnoBuffalo has the news and suggests how you can buy a Kinect for even cheaper than the new low price:
One point worth mentioning, at least as far as I’m concerned, is that the Kinect saw massive sales and price cuts during the holiday season last year. I purchased a three game bundle for $100. If you really want a Kinect, wait until the holiday sales start in order to take the plunge. It’s $109 now, perhaps it will tumble to $80 or below when the discounts hit.
As companies like Microsoft solidify their next generation hardware plans and eye an upcoming launch, they're marking down the prices of current generation accessories to clear the shelves one last time before this stuff becomes obsolete. Just as Sony has gone crazy with budget-priced PlayStation 3 game compilations, here's Microsoft moving some extra Kinects before the new Xbox model rolls into town and steals all of the attention. This is a good deal heading into the holidays if you're in the market for the Kinect, but as Joey says, there will be better deals still to come.