Time For Another Big Gaming Sale At Amazon
July 24, 2012
Here we are at the height of summer in the northern hemisphere, and as the hot days tick by, we're left to deal with the lack of new AAA+ blockbuster titles hitting store shelves in large quantities as publishers save the big guns for the holiday shopping season. What is there to buy now? Why, titles you may have missed on sale for low prices. Amazon is holding yet another of its video game Gold Box and Lightning Deal sale days where recently released titles go on and off discount all day long. Brave is the game offered for cheap all day (at 50% off), while other titles teased include Max Payne 3 and several more (the clues are especially cryptic today). Check 'em out and see if anything strikes your interest. As always, any purchase made via the green link here goes to help support PTB, and that support is greatly appreciated.