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Rock Band iOS Apps Going Away For Real This Time

Rock Band ReloadedBack in May the Internet rallied in disgruntled frustration at Electronic Arts when the company's Rock Band app for iOS informed players that the game would cease to function at the end of the month.  That turned out to be a false alarm, but now the game and its successor, Rock Band Reloaded, are being discontinued at the end of July as EA's licensing agreement with Harmonix comes to an end.  Unlike last time, however, Rock Band and Reloaded will continue to work provided that you already own them.  EA has put together a little FAQ to explain what you will still be able to do with the content that Rock Band players have already purchased.  Here's the bottom line:

If you own a Rock Band game on your iOS device, you can play it, but you cannot purchase new songs after July 31, 2012. You can access your previously purchased songs.  If your previously purchased songs have been stored locally on your device before July 31, 2012, they will not be lost.  You will be able to restore your songs by iTunes provided you have an iCloud backup. An iCloud backup can be created before or after July 31 by selecting backup to iCloud in iTunes.

Nobody likes to see games retired and discontinued, but if it has to happen, then this is the right way to do it.  Those who bought the games will still be able to play them after the contract expires, purchased content can be backed up (to the cloud, no less), and you even have a week to go on a buying spree if you want before EA can no longer sell the product and its expansions.  May's discontinuation scare was the wrong way to go about preparing players for the end, but this new method works.
