Capcom Adds More Content To Street Fighter 25th Anniversary Collector Set
July 13, 2012
Capcom announced a mega package of Street Fighter content a few months ago in the form of the Street Fighter 25th Anniversary Collector Set that includes basically every current generation piece of Street Fighter content plus some bonus animation and soundtrack discs. It's a massive collection that is due to sell for $150 when it becomes available later this year for the Microsoft Xbox 360 and Sony PlayStation 3, but the company is sweetening the deal for PS3 owners by adding some exclusive extras to the package. Siliconera has word of the newly added material (and it's all digital in nature).
Capcom revealed at Comic-Con that you’ll get more content if you buy the Street Fighter 25th Anniversary Collector’s Set for the PlayStation 3 specifically. The PS3 version will come with download codes for all three Street Fighter Alpha games as PSOne Classics, Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max for the PSP, and all of the Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Online Edition DLC.
That's an even better offer than the originally announced package. I know that $150 sounds steep, but if you have even a mild interest in Street Fighter and don't already own the majority of this content, I don't see how you can pass this one over. As I said previously, I do own most of the games in this box, so I don't see myself rebuying them just to get a few things that I don't own, but if Capcom keeps cramming items into the set then I'm going to have a very difficult time refusing. Moreover, if Capcom shows me a Mega Man anniversary set of a similar magnitude, then there is no way I'll be able to hold back. Say what you will about Capcom's controversial business decisions over the past year, but they know how to make an enticing product.