EvilCast Recap - Episode 131: E3 Wrap-Up
June 16, 2012
E3 2012 may be a memory now, but just as the week was closing out, I was invited back to the EvilCast to talk shop with Games Are Evil's Blake Grundman to wrap up the week as seen from afar. In this episode of the EvilCast we discuss Nintendo's 3DS announcements including New Super Mario Bros. 2's cooperative multiplayer mode (and how it has its origin back in the original New Super Mario Bros. for the Nintendo DS) as well as some of the other news of the week. As Blake says, "Revelations were made, tears were shed, and it was decided that the butler did it in the study, with a candlestick. Be sure to see how the madness plays out." Download this episode over at Games Are Evil. Spend eighty minutes with us and we will cure all of your ills.