EvilCast Recap - Episode 130: E3 Press Conference Wrap-Up
June 09, 2012
Last year I joined the Games Are Evil crew at E3 for a series of podcasts to discuss the happenings of the week, so it just wouldn't be E3 unless I sat down with the GrE crew of Blake Grundman and Ross Polly to talk about goings-on at the annual expo. I guest on Episode 130 of the EvilCast Recap in which we discuss the major publisher press conferences put on by Microsoft, Electronic Arts, Ubisoft, Sony, and Nintendo. Announcements are critiqued, trailers are dissected, news is debated, and the general pulse of E3 is taken. Join us for two and a half hours(!) of lively discussion. Head on over to GrE to download this episode and keep an eye out for another upcoming EvilCast episode in which I return to discuss the E3 developments from the latter part of the week.