Power Button Presents Kombo Breaker - Episode 54: Nintendo's 2009 In Review And Looking Ahead With Nintendo World Report's Jonathan Metts
An Introduction To Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock

Musical Journey To White Park

Sega's recently released Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode IIfor the Sony PlayStation 3, Microsoft Xbox 360, PC, and mobile devices is turning some heads with its improved take on attempting to match the Sega Genesis highs of the original beloved Sonic titles, but not everything in this latest adventure copies from the early 1990s.  Consider the music from White Park, Act 2 that starts out with a mildly catchy original piece before delightfully transitioning into a snippet of the Pleasure Castle / Twinkle Park theme from 1999's Sonic Adventure.  Its inclusion is a fun surprise for those of us who logged plenty of hours on Sonic's first real 3D adventure, and the more that I play White Park, the more that I find myself waiting for the Twinkle Park piece to repeat.  "Ooh, here it comes again!"
