An Introduction To Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock
May 17, 2012
The Doctor and River Song are headed to the Sony PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, and PC very soon in Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock. As the PS3 version is launching next week, developer Supermassive Games is releasing a series of developer diaries to promote the product and raise fan interest. This first installment serves as an introduction to the game and shows a little of the action as our heroes are pursued by Daleks and wander around two different versions of England. River's famous spoiler-filled diary is on display, as is The Doctor's hat collection. The Eternity Clock looks like it turned out alright and I'm looking forward to playing the finished version next week. After all, we have a while to wait before the Doctor Who television series returns to our screens, so this might be a nice tide-me-over during the long wait.