Power Button Presents Kombo Breaker At E3 2009 - Episode 3: Ghostbusters... Again?!
April 13, 2012
Despite recording more than one hundred podcasts episodes together, there are only a small handful of instances in which Joey Davidson, Brad Hilderbrand, and I actually recorded together in the same room without having to rely on Internet magic to bring our melodious voices together. This week's classic episode of Kombo Breaker is from one of those times (although I don't hear Brad in the room on this one, but I know he was around there somewhere). This installment is from June 4, 2009 during our week of recording at E3 2009, and for this episode we invited our old friend Glenn Gamble of Terminal Reality back to give us the complete rundown on the then-upcoming Ghostbusters: The Video Game. Glenn opens the vault and tells us all the secrets behind the making of the game without spoiling anything too significant. You'll learn about how the game's backstory came together, what it's like to visit the real Sedgewick Hotel, which levels were cut from the finished product, and so much more. No Ghostbusters fan can afford to miss the tantalizing stories in this hour of storytelling. For an episode recorded after midnight on an exhausting day, I think it turned out rather well. Download this week's episode directly from PTB, listen with the player below, or subscribe via iTunes, and be sure to catch up on past episodes if you're joining us late. Remember that you can reach all three of us via
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Power Button Presents Kombo Breaker At E3 2009 - Episode 3: Ghostbusters... Again?!