Power Button Presents Kombo Breaker - Episode 10: New Year's Relaunch
December 30, 2011
Oh, we have a special rerun of Kombo Breaker for you this week. The calendar may be rolling over into 2012, but we're taking you back in time to our very first episode together as a team. This is Episode 10 of Kombo Breaker in which we assemble for the first time and discuss the games that we played over the holiday break and list our top gaming picks for 2008. This one originally aired on January 9, 2009. It's worth noting that we really didn't quite know what we were doing in terms of podcasting at this point. We were throwing ideas at the wall to see what stuck, so don't be surprised if things are a little rough here. I'm talking through a wireless microphone, so I sound like I'm on AM radio, for instance. As you know, we got better at this. Download this week's episode directly from PTB, listen with the player below, or subscribe via iTunes, and be sure to catch up on past episodes if you're joining us late. Remember that you can reach all three of us via
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