Weekly Poll: The Next Creed
November 29, 2011
Is there not a lot of love for the Uncharted franchise out there? Most of you have no opinion on which game is the better experience, but those of you who do chose Uncharted 2 for top honors. I tend to agree. While I enjoyed Uncharted 3's story and some of its magnificent set pieces, it seemed to be going through the motions at times and felt like more of a refinement of the previous adventure without the care and excitement baked into it. Uncharted 2 improved on its predecessor thanks to its increased action, fun character moments, and intriguing narrative. Not to say that Uncharted 3 isn't worth the time (it is, particularly now that the strange aiming issue has been fixed), but Uncharted 2 was a joy from start to finish. The new sequel felt a little like homework at times.
Speaking of modern video game franchises with big set pieces spread across multiple sequels, Kotaku has word that there's a survey floating around out there attempting to gauge interest in potential settings for the next installment of Assassin's Creed. Is it a real survey commissioned by Ubisoft? Can't say. However, with Assassin's Creed III in deep development by now, I'd hope that the story is already in place. It's still fun to play the speculation game though, so let's just take the potential list of settings (which includes places such as the American Revolution, Egypt during the Pharaoh's reign, etc.) as worth debating and let me ask you which of the times and places on the list you'd like to see the series hit next. Let's hear your thoughts.