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Power Button Presents Kombo Breaker - Episode 47: Phil Kollar and Dave Rudden Join Us

Power Button Presents Kombo BreakerAnd now for something completely different.  Brad Hilderbrand, Joey Davidson, and I are taking the week off for the Thanksgiving holiday, but we can't let you go unentertained in our absence.  There isn't a new episode of Power Button this week, but instead we have an episode of our previous podcast series, Kombo Breaker, for you to enjoy.  This installment from the archive is Episode 47 which originally aired at the now-defunct Kombo.com on October 18, 2009.  This installment features Joey Davidson, Brad Hilderbrand, and I along with our former host Dan Johnson having a chat with Philip Kollar and Dave Rudden who, at the time, were very excited about digging into their respective jobs at Game Informer and GamePro.  Phil is still with Game Informer as the associate editor, while Dave has since moved on to the Official Xbox Magazine.  Despite the two-year lag time, it's an interesting look into how both publications were on the verge of reinventing themselves as we discuss how print and online media differ and where the future of gaming journalism is/was headed.  Perhaps we'll run more of these old Kombo Breaker shows in the future during weeks off.  They sound a little rough compared to our modern efforts (you can hear Skype beeps in the background at times, for instance, and our recording equipment wasn't as proficient then), but we certainly had fun making them.  The show has been missing from the Internet since Kombo folded, and while I have some of them archived in my own collection, some episodes appear to be lost forever thanks to a server crash back in the old days combined with a total lack of backups.  Say, if you happen to have old episodes of Kombo Breaker stashed away somewhere, let us know.  We'd like to complete our collections.  Download this week's episode directly from PTB, listen with the player below, or subscribe via iTunes, and be sure to catch up on past episodes if you're joining us late. Remember that you can reach all three of us via , you can leave a message on the Power Button hotline by calling (720) 722-2781, and you can even follow all of us on Twitter at @PressTheButtons, @aubradley84, and @JoeyDavidson or for just podcast updates, @ThePowerButton.

Power Button Presents Kombo Breaker - Episode 47: Phil Kollar and Dave Rudden Join Us
