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Power Button - Episode 59: Ya-Gadda-Lower-Da-Price-Of-Da-Vita

Power ButtonNow that Nintendo has cut the price of its 3DS so soon after launch, some people in the gaming community are calling on Sony to cut the price of its upcoming PlayStation Vita before it even reaches stores.  Is $250 too expensive for a handheld gaming system?  On this week's episode of Power Button, Brad Hilderbrand and I debate the matter, wonder if Nintendo is poised to take the holiday shopping season now that the Vita has been delayed into 2012 outside of Japan, and discuss whether or not people even still want dedicated handheld gaming hardware that plays Uncharted: Golden Abyss for $40 when smartphones and tablets can deliver Angry Birds for a dollar.  Download this week's episode directly from PTB, listen with the player below, or subscribe via iTunes, and be sure to catch up on past episodes if you're joining us late. Remember that you can reach all three of us via  and you can even follow all of us on Twitter at @PressTheButtons, @aubradley84, and @JoeyDavidson or for just podcast updates, @ThePowerButton.

Power Button - Episode 59: Ya-Gadda-Lower-Da-Price-Of-Da-Vita
