Power Button - Episode 52: Take To The Streets With L.A. Noire As Call Of Duty: Elite Starts A Premium War
June 03, 2011
Let's be honest. If we released next week's episode of Power Button, well, next week, then it would be trampled by all of the crazy amounts of E3 coverage that are impendingly on the way. We cannot allow that. Therefore, you get to enjoy the show a few days early. The topic next this week? Brad Hilderbrand, Joey Davidson, and I tear into the adventures of Cole Phelps in L.A. Noire, then we jump the tracks to discuss why Activision's Call of Duty: Elite premium service is a shamelessly naked cash grab. Not a bad way to end your week, right? Don't lie to us. We have a notebook full of recovered evidence and we're great at reading nonverbal cues. Download this week's episode directly from PTB, listen with the player below, or subscribe via iTunes, and be sure to catch up on past episodes if you're joining us late. Remember that you can reach all three of us via
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