Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Comes Home In June
April 12, 2011
Leave it to Capcom to update Street Fighter IV one more time with the upcoming home version of Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition. Arriving in June as either a $15 downloadable update for current Super owners or a $40 stand-alone retail disc (including a PC version for the first time), this latest iteration of the game adds four new characters to the mix along with a little rebalancing of existing characters and an enhanced replay mode. Check out the trailer for the impending upgrade.
What do you all think of the cost on this one? Capcom has had a knack lately for pricing its DLC at $5 more than I want to pay for it, and that tradition continues here. I would have gladly jumped at the Arcade Edition update for $10, but there's something about that $15 price tag that makes me think twice. Part of the problem is that the cost of things such as gas, food, electricity, and other necessities keeps rising while my income does not, so I'm having to allocate less and less of my budget to entertainment purposes. I just cannot afford to buy games the way I could a few years ago. $5 may seem like too small an amount to be a dealbreaker, but it adds up quickly across multiple DLC purchases. I know I cannot be the only one who is looking at the household budget in one column and increasingly expensive DLC in the other and doing a little belt-tightening and decision-making.