Power Button - Episode 39: Activision Runs Wild While Sly Cooper Gets Restyled
February 12, 2011
So there I am, sitting at Press The Buttons headquarters when there's a knock at my door, and who should be standing on the other side? Why, it's Brad Hilderbrand and his wife Barbara. Seeing as how they were passing through my corner of the world, we decided to set up the microphone and record this week's episode of Power Button. Join us for forty-five minutes as we analyze Activision's recent mass layoffs and shuttering of several brands all in the name of bolstering Call of Duty, wonder why Activision picked up the Family Guy license (and where's our American Dad game already?), and switch gears altogether and give our thoughts on Sony's recent Sly Cooper compilation for the PlayStation 3 along with other PlayStation 2 franchises we'd like to see given a PS3 update, The Sly Collection. Download this week's episode directly from PTB, listen with the player below, or subscribe via iTunes, and be sure to catch up on past episodes if you're joining us late. Remember that you can reach all three of us via
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