Dust Man Rejected From Marvel Vs Capcom 3
February 26, 2011
There are dozens of characters on both the Capcom and Marvel sides of the business that were left out of the recently released Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds for the Sony PlayStation 3 and Microsoft Xbox 360, but Dorkly has listed six whose absence is conspicuously noticed. I don't know about you, but I'd totally play as Mega Man 4's Dust Man if he were in the game. It's all in jest with this article, but if you'd like to possibly have a more useful say in which characters could be added to the game as future downloadable content, head over to the Capcom Unity site and vote in an unofficial poll that the higher-ups are apparently watching, but aren't guaranteed to officially notice. How's that for a noncommittal response? If you want to follow my lead, I voted for Classic Mega Man, Mega Man X, and X's nemesis Sigma on the Capcom side and Rogue, Silver Surfer (that one's for you, Joey Davidson!), and Squirrel Girl on the Marvel side just for the hell of it. Sadly, Dust Man isn't on the poll.
Say, now that I think more about it, I'd really like to see a Mega Man: The Power Battle sequel that updates that series to Marvel Vs Capcom levels of presentation and that features three dozen or so Robot Masters as playable characters in addition to Mega Man, Proto Man, Bass, etc. Oh Capcom, I think I have your next project...