This Could Be The PSP2
Batman/Joker Team-Up Too Good To Be True

Explodemon Rises At Games Are Evil


Duke Nukem Forever is basically the poster child of games that experience long development periods, but Explodemon from Curve Studios for the Sony PlayStation 3 is no slouch in that department having spent five years in the works.  Originally slated to appear on Nintendo's WiiWare service in addition to the PlayStation Network, the character platformer is now due exclusively on the latter service the week of February 7 in North America and Europe.  I'm slated to review the game for Games Are Evil, and in advance of that I was asked to write up a little promotional blurb featuring the trailer, some images, price information, and all of that good stuff, so you should check that out for all of the relevant information.  Explodemon looks like a fun little throwback to the Super NES era style of charismatic character platformers and I'm looking forward to checking it out.
