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Somebody Please Help Lara Croft

Tomb RaiderYou've probably seen the cover of next month's issue of Game Informer that proudly shows off the new look for a freshly rebooted Lara Croft: bruised, bloody, and beaten.  Tomb Raider is getting a refresh and a restart, and part of that treatment involves — as Game Informer says — "break[ing] her".  Here's a snippet of the teaser article:

In our world-exclusive cover story, we uncover a brand-new Lara Croft. Rebooting the Tomb Raider franchise through an origin story wasn’t so much a choice as an act of necessity, according to Crystal Dynamics. Drastic measures were needed. To build an entirely fresh Lara – a culturally relevant hero worth of the attention that once came so effortlessly – they must break her first. In this new adventure – simply titled Tomb Raider – a younger and inexperienced Lara Croft must endure both physical and emotional trauma to survive.

Am I the only one that feels really uncomfortable about that image of a battered Lara?  I really don't enjoy seeing people that I like (real or fictional) in painful situations, and with that in mind, this new look for Lara isn't making me want to play the new Tomb Raider at first glace.  I have a very visceral "Ooh, no!" reaction to it.  Reading the reader comments on the aforementioned article, I came across lots of people saying how hot they found this picture.  Hot?  Really?  When I see Lara in this kind of situation, my first instinct is to help her, not hit on her.  I hope that the new Tomb Raider doesn't make this kind of torment a fixture of the revamped series.  Heroes commonly have to hit bottom before they can reach the top, but I'm really not interested in playing a game where the universe conspires to make Lara's life a constant living hell.
