Zero And She-Hulk Announced For Marvel Vs Capcom 3
November 15, 2010
I'm starting to believe that Capcom has taken my character wishlist for the upcoming Marvel vs Capcom 3 for the Sony PlayStation 3 and Microsoft Xbox 360 and is now running with it, as two of my picks — the Mega Man X version of Zero and Marvel lawyer She-Hulk — are have been revealed today by Capcom as part of the game. Zero even comes with an updated arrangement of his energized theme song from Mega Man X2. The fan service in this game abounds (and I'm not necessarily referring to the green woman in the skimpy costume). Here are the debut clips for the two characters that showcase some of their basic attacks and powerful super moves. Watch out for falling cars and sudden blasts of energy!
So far five of the eleven characters that I hoped to see in this new game have been announced (Zero, Nathan Spencer, Dante, She-Hulk, and Thor). If only one more character from my list makes it into the game, please let it be Stephen Colbert. The licensing headaches and paperwork pile required to make that happen would surely be worth it in the end.