Weekly Poll: Heavy Troopa Is Ready To Midnight Launch
November 15, 2010
It's just about an even split when it comes to participating in invitation-only multiplayer betas. I enjoy a good beta, but I seem to lack the motivation necessary to really get in deep with one. I was involved with the MAG and Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood betas in a very casual capacity, while I downloaded the betas for Uncharted 2, Dead Space 2 and Killzone 3 and just couldn't psych myself up into spending any time with them. I'm not sure why I have such a disconnect with this. I like being in on the ground floor of new cutting edge games, but I don't care for the multiplayer aspect so much because betas tend to attract the superplayers who spend all day and all night honing their crafts, so when I decide to try, say, Assassin's Creed, I end up knifed in the back before I can even get my bearings. That's not exactly fun.
Speaking of Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, yesterday the GameStop perky robot called to tell me that I could start lining up outside the store for the midnight launch of the game on Monday night. I'm not really a midnight launch kind of guy, but people must show up for these things or else ever major title wouldn't spark this kind of event in our modern times. Have you ever been to a midnight launch? Is it a regular part of your purchasing process? Did you go once out of curiosity? Are are you at home in bed when the festivities happen? Let's hear your thoughts.