Weekly Poll: Like Clockwork
Mega Man X Collection Comes Back Around

Steve Smith Is The Controller On American Dad

Steve SmithIn what could be product placement for either Microsoft's Kinect add-on for the Xbox 360 or the upcoming film Tron Legacy, American Dad hit on the video gaming humor again on last night's episode, "There Will Be Bad Blood".  When Stan Smith decides to take his family to visit his half-brother in Arizona, he finds out that said half-brother is actually phenomenally wealthy.  Stan's son Steve is sent to try out the game room, leading to a series of gags in which players "are the remotes" (Remotes?  Does any gamer actually call a controller a "remote"?).  Here's the clip via Hulu.

Also worth noting is that the nonsensical Japanese video game from "May The Best Stan Win" turns up in the background of this scene:

Note how half-brother Rusty's son is confused by the notion of a controller one holds in the hand. Nice bit of foreshadowing there. Coming in behind all of that in the hilarious video game reference department for the night is this bit of business from The Cleveland Show that turns a snappy comeback into a Mortal Kombat gag.  Here's the relevant joke from "Another Bad Thanksgiving".
