First Story Details Revealed For Back To The Future Game
PSP2 Coming Later, But PSPgo Price Drop Begins Now

Meet The New Marty McFly

Marty McFlyThe second installment of the Back To The Future: The Game mini-documentary produced by Telltale Games has been released just a day after the Doc Brown-intensive first part, and in this piece of the story we meet the new voice of Marty McFly.  While Michael J. Fox did license his likeness to be used in the game, he's unfortunately unavailable to reprise the actual character.  Enter amateur-turned-professional Marty impressionist, A.J. Locascio.   His performance blew away the Telltale team and even astonished Bob Gale and Christopher Lloyd.  You'll hear some of his audition in this part of the documentary (he performs Marty's lines from the first Back to the Future film explaining how Doc ended up with the bruise on his forehead) and it's a very good likeness.

The third installment of the series comes out next week.  It's entitled "Creating The Game", so maybe we'll finally see some of the game itself in action.  I love to hear about and see the casting and initial concepts unfold, but we're coming to the point where I absolutely must see some gameplay.  We've been teased for months and it's time for a little payoff.
