Original Beyond Good & Evil Gets HD Boost
September 30, 2010
Did you play Beyond Good & Evil for the Nintendo GameCube, Sony PlayStation 2, and Microsoft Xbox? Yeah, neither did I. I wanted to play it based on all of the hype and praise I've heard about it, but I just never found the time. Maybe now I'll make the time since Ubisoft has announced that it's giving the game a modern update into the high definition realm for release on the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade. Game Informer has the scant details.
Beyond Good & Evil HD will be boosted to 1080p visuals, and character models, textures, and audio have all been upgraded. The narrative and gameplay will remain unchanged, which is fine by us – why fix what isn’t broken?
This is all part of laying groundwork for the unscheduled-but-in-development sequel, Beyond Good & Evil 2, that Ubisoft probably fears would land in stores with a thud if players weren't familiar with the original game. Bringing the first game back with a modern refresh for a fair price as a downloadable game is a supremely smart move and one that I wholeheartedly support. I say that primarily because now I may actually get around to playing it.