Power Button - Episode 18: The Surprising Case Of Activision v Women (Plus A Return To New Austin)
August 14, 2010
Did you know that Activision does not have a single non-licensed original property toplined by a female character this generation? It's true! Over at Gamasutra, Leigh Alexander shed some light on the company's alleged policy that its games must only star men, as it's believed that games starring women do not sell as well as the alternative. This week on Power Button we explore that notion and consider the ramifications as well as dig a little deeper into the hatred that most gamers are throwing at the company these days. After that we dip a little back into discussing Rockstar's Red Dead Redemption now that I've picked up the game and started to explore New Austin. Did you know that everyone in the old west was completely insane? That's true too! I explain why with several concrete examples of bizarre behavior seen in and around the folksy town of Armadillo. Download this week's episode directly from PTB, listen with the player below, or subscribe via iTunes, and be sure to catch up on past episodes if you're joining us late. Remember that you can reach all three of us via and you can even follow on Twitter at @PressTheButtons or for just podcast updates, @ThePowerButton. Next week our old pal Garth Chouteau of PopCap Games stops by to talk about the new version of Plants vs Zombies for the Microsoft Xbox 360 as well as some upcoming titles from PopCap that you probably know little about.