Weekly Poll: Return To Flight
May 24, 2010
Feelings are nearly mixed on interest in a new Sony PlayStation Portable, although more people couldn't care less about a new system. As for me, I'm ready for a new generation of PSP because my current PSP-1000 system is wearing out and if I'm going to buy a new machine, I'd much rather buy something entirely new. I mainly use my PSP for light web browsing (mostly text-only pages thanks to its outdated browser) and streaming Netflix via the PlayStation 3's Remote Play abilities, but I'm open to new games as titles are announced that match my interests.
Speaking of shiny new things, Nintendo's Super Mario Galaxy 2 is now with us in North America. I'm a week ahead of you all thanks to reviewing the game for Kombo, so as someone who is seemingly approaching the end of what it has to offer (108 stars collected as of this moment), I'm curious if the game has met your expectations. Has it earned the big "2" on its box? Or do you believe it's more of an expansion pack for its predecessor? Let's hear your thougths. We cover this topic on this week's upcoming episode of Power Button, so stay tuned for that as well.