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Behind The Scenes Of Doctor Who: City Of The Daleks

Doctor Who: City of the Daleks The first episode of the recently announced Doctor Who: The Adventure Games, "City of the Daleks", is due for launch on June 5 as a free download from the BBC for PC and Mac, and as the release date approaches, the BBC is starting to crank up the publicity machine.  Wedged into the middle of last week's behind-the-scenes documentary program Doctor Who Confidential was a short segment devoted to the image capture and dialog recording process through which the Doctor and his companion Amy Pond are brought to digital life.  As a certain mysterious professor would warn, "Spoilers!"

Considering that the developers at Sumo Digital seem to be working from photographs of the actors instead of doing motion capture work with them, I'm not exactly expecting Uncharted 2 levels of realism here, but the end result is free. We get what we pay for. Here's hoping what we eventually get is as much fun as an episode of the television series. There's top-level creative talent from the show involved with these games, after all.
