Power Button - Episode 2: OverClocked Remix Discussion With Larry Oji And David Lloyd
The Best Console Boot Screens

PS3 Consoles Come Back To Life After Day-long Outage

John Locke We made it through to the other side, folks!  All of those malfunctioning Sony PlayStation 3 consoles that freaked out Sunday night due to an internal clock error are coming back to life now that the calendar has rolled over to another day circa Greenwich Mean Time.  Early reports from the Twitterverse and blogs such as Joystiq confirm that PS3s are working again, although you may experience some data loss and trophy mishaps.  Some of that can be self-corrected by synching up with the PlayStation Network, but there are no easy promises here.  Thanks to John Locke for turning the Island's wheel or whatever the hell happened to stop our consoles from skipping through time.

Q. Is it safe to turn on my PS3 now?

Right now, it appears the answer is "yes." The PlayStation Network is online and fully functional for owners of the PS3 Phat system, and games appear to be running problem-free.

Do I have to download a firmware update?

Nope. It should just fix itself automatically, whether you're online or not.

My trophy data for (insert game name here) is gone!

Protip: If you lost any trophy data during the downtime, there may be a way to salvage it. Start the game for which you're trying to restore trophies. This should create a trophy data set on your PS3, which you can sync with the server. Our Heavy Rain trophies had vanished, but this trick brought them back from the dead.

The time and date on my PS3 are wrong. How do I fix it?

Under Settings on the XMB, and under the Time/Date settings, you should be able to set your console to automatically sync the time and date via the internet.

Let's all agree to meet on March 1, 2014 and do this all over again on the next even-numbered non-leap year.  It's been a real bonding moment for the community. 
