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Kombo Breaker Seeking Female Co-host

Kombo BreakerWe're looking to fill the fourth chair over at the Kombo Breaker podcast, and since three men talking about video games week in and week out will only take one so far, we're seeking an intelligent, in-the-know woman to join our panel.  Here's the call to arms:

Hey ladies, do ever listen to gaming podcasts and think to yourself, “I know way more than those clowns”? Well here’s your chance to step up and prove your skills. Kombo Breaker, one of the gaming community’s premiere podcasts, is looking to fill a vacant host’s chair with a strong female voice.

Here’s what we’re looking for: first and foremost you’ve got to be a serious gamer, completely plugged into the scene. We’re looking for ladies who play all sorts of games; from Peggle to Modern Warfare 2 and everything in between. If you know how to execute a sticky grenade kill while falling from a 100 foot high ledge and then surviving the drop then we want to talk to you.

Also, we need you to be well-versed in the personalities of the gaming industry as well as the big news of the day. Our show prides itself on featuring special industry guests from development, publishing and journalism on a regular basis, so you need to know who the players are and why they’re important. Furthermore, if you happen to have a healthy rolodex full of contacts who you think might be interested in coming on the show, all the better.

Finally, a flexible schedule is a must. You’ll have to be willing to set aside a few hours in the evening once a week to record the show, as well as a willingness to adjust to a new day or time so we can sync up with our guest’s schedule. On top of that, you’ll need to have enough time to research each week’s topic and be ready to come in guns blazing.

Technical requirements are a Skype account, a broadband Internet connection and recording equipment that doesn’t make you sound like a robot or the AM Radio from Brave Little Toaster (as much as we love him).

So, as you can see, this is a serious commitment and a lot of work, but man, is it a ton of fun. While we can’t offer you a salary, you’ll get to rub elbows with gaming’s elite on a weekly basis, and if you do a super-good job we might just buy you some fancy microphones and mixing boards so you can sound legit.

Those interested should send an email to [email protected] with all your info as well as a summation of why we should pick you as our new co-host. Interviews will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.

Join us, won't you?  Speak up if you have any questions.  Good luck to all of the applicants and we look forward to talking with each of you.
