New Super Mario Bros. Wii Review At Kombo
Fifteen Years Of Donkey Kong Country

Kombo Breaker - Episode 52: NSMB Wii and CheapyD (Yeah It Rhymes)

Kombo BreakerIt's time for the big Thanksgiving / Black Friday episode of the Kombo Breaker podcast, so for our fifty-second installment we invited CheapyD of Cheap Ass Gamer to join us and clue everyone in about where to find the best gaming shopping deals for today, tomorrow, and through the holiday shopping season.  We recommend games you must not miss and advise you on which games you'd best skip if you don't want to turn a friend into an enemy.  Before all that happens, however, Joey Davidson and I sit down to discuss Nintendo's recently released New Super Mario Bros. Wii and basically go on and on about what a fantastic game it is.  Naysayers can relax though, as we also go over some of the little things that could have been improved.  Download this week's show from Kombo or subscribe via iTunes.  Happy Thanksgiving!
