Weekly Poll: The Story On Page 1
When Dinosaurs Could Fly

Nintendo Exhibit Features Official Regional Mario Art

Kyoto Cross Media Experience 2009With the occasional exception in which he's dressed in a lab coat or frog suit, Nintendo's Mario is typically sporting his trademark overalls.  Sometimes the artists tasked with creating Mario's many looks opt for something more regional, however, and the Internet has the photo proof.  As part of a Japanese exhibit of Nintendo's gaming history at Kyoto Cross Media Experience 2009, new artwork featuring Mario and Princess Peach in kimonos and with a rickshaw was on display.  Kotaku has photos of both the exhibit and the artwork.  You know what a fan I am of official game-related artwork, so of course I'm going to emphasize it over the actual hardware history exhibit.  I can't be the only one out there who would buy a coffee table book featuring years worth of both familiar and unique Super Mario character artwork, *hint* *hint*, Nintendo. 
