Where's Nintendo's B-Team?
August 25, 2009
Nintendo has been generous this console generation with Super Mario, The Legend of Zelda, and Metroid, but that's not enough for those of us who recall the glory days of memorable franchises busting out all over. Kombo's Brian Langlois wants to know where Kirby, F-Zero, Star Fox, Donkey Kong, 1080 Snowboarding, Custom Robo, Wave Race, and Kid Icarus are in this wonderful Wii world of ours.
While I have been referring to these games as B-List titles, I mean that in the nicest sense. It's only because they are not Mario, Zelda, or Metroid that I call them this, because they all have been truly great games in the past, just not as widely recognized as the big name titles. I for one have always enjoyed these games, sometimes even having more fun with them than the A-Listers. F-Zero was definitely one of the best killer-apps of the SNES launch, and the franchise has only improved (on consoles anyway). Star Fox certainly came into it's own one the N64, becoming an instant classic. I know that the more recent games in the series haven't exactly been up to par with that game, they're still solid titles. Maybe it's time to see Star Fox reclaim its glory on Wii? The control scheme certainly lends itself to that type of game. Let's just keep it in-house this time, Nintendo, and everything should work out fine.
Credit where credit is due: Nintendo has revived some long lost B- and C-team franchises this generation such as Punch-Out!! and Excite [Vehicle Name]. As much as I'd love to see new installments of Star Fox and F-Zero, I've come to the point now where I understand that the modern Nintendo has different interests and priorities than the Nintendo of, say, fifteen or even five years ago. Considering how the company has reinvented itself with the Wii, I'm just glad to see that Mario, Link, and Samus Aran still have a place as franchise all-stars. I suppose I've gone through an attitude adjustment in the past year or so, but I'm reaching the Acceptance phase of the five stages of gamer grief.
The Five Stages of Gamer Grief: Complain, Petition, Distraction, Acceptance, GameStop