No Smiles At GRIN
Nintendo Patents Inflatable Cushion Controller

GameStop Offering Exclusive New Super Mario Bros. Wii Special Edition?

Newmariowiiwario I really hope that someone has a wire crossed somewhere because I don't like the idea of GameStop offering an exclusive edition of Nintendo's upcoming New Super Mario Bros. Wii.  There's a rumor circulating that preordering the game from the retail giant will net some exclusive playable characters to adventure alongside Mario and Luigi.  Kombo has the murky details.

The news originates from user Cindaddy of the Cheap Ass Gamer forums, who attempted to preorder the game at GameStop.  The GameStop employee apparently offered a free upgrade to a "Collector's Edition" of the title. Asked what was in it, they said that all they knew was "there was supposed to be some additional characters."  Of course, Nintendo has not said word one about this as of this writing, and it just seems a little too peculiar, so we're marking this one as a rumor for the time being.

While this sort of retail strategy has been in full force this generation, Nintendo has yet to jump on the bandwagon.  Knowing how heavily GameStop pushes the preorders, I'd like to think that this is just an example of overzealous employees saying whatever it takes to land a sale, and while I prefer to buy my games elsewhere, I know that if this turns out to be true I will have to go along with it.  I just can't pass up a special edition of a Super Mario game.
