The Battle Network Blues
Kombo Breaker - Episode 34: The Wide World of Nintendo with Craig Harris of IGN

Ghostbusters Coming To LittleBigPlanet

Who ya gonna call? After achieving success with last year's Metal Gear Solid add-on content, LittleBigPlanet for the Sony PlayStation 3 is about to pick up another popular franchise for all of the Sackboys and Sackgirls of the world to explore: Ghostbusters.  There are no details yet save for this teaser poster at the PlayStation Blog.  "Who ya gonna call?" indeed.  I don't know what to expect from this future content, but after playing some of the unofficial Ghostbusters levels created by fans, I believe that the addition of a "real" proton pack into the Sackworld will spark some very dynamic creations.  Now, let's hear about when we can expect to see SackSlimer in all his gooey glory.
