Weekly Poll / In Search Of...: Storage Solutions
Don't Expect New Mega Man Legends Anytime Soon

Don't Expect HD Remix Of Street Fighter III Anytime Soon

Street Fighter III: Third StrikeWith the recent successes of Street Fighter IV and Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix, one might think that Capcom would want to bridge the gap and revive Street Fighter III for a HD Remix of its own.  One might think that, yes, but one would be wrong.  Kombo summarizes for us.

The question now presented before Capcom is "will you make an HD version of Street Fighter III?"  That is what one user in Capcom's "Ask Capcom" forums laid before the company, and to which VP of Strategic Planning & Business Development Christian Svensson soon answered.

"An HD Remix on
SF3 would be a challenge in and of itself given the number of frames of animation and effects that would have to be redone, especially in light of what we learned onSSF2THDR," Svensson reveals. "As such, the very nature of the project you're suggesting is somewhat unlikely."

Street Fighter III certainly has its fans, but after finally playing the game for the first time not too long ago, I came away from the experience, well, just not feeling it.  There's plenty of Street Fighter material available for modern powerhouse consoles this generation already, so personally I don't see the need to oversaturate the market with yet another installment of the franchise.  Let Capcom spend the time and resources HD Remixing something different.
